Welcome to Southwest Missouri Fly Fishers Online
Welcome to the Southwest Missouri Fly Fishers



Southwest Missouri Fly Fishers is more than a fly fishing club. We recognize that our sport is directly affected by our natural resources - the stream, rivers, fish - watersheds taken as a whole. We strive to protect those resources for the betterment of the sport.

We were one of the first Stream Teams in the state (we are Team # 57). We are proud to be stewards of Crane Creek located in Stone County. Crane Creek is a rare jewel. It is one of only three or four streams in the nation with a reproducing, pure strain of McCloud River rainbows from the McCloud River basin in California. The stream is small and the ecosystem is delicate.

Of course our interest in conservation does not stop on the banks of Crane Creek. Southwest Missouri is laced with small streams and rivers. The Ozarks uplift is primarily karst topography. So what we do in our yards, on our roads, in our houses can make major impacts on our streams. We support the efforts of other groups that recognize these impacts and strive to have a positive affect.
We invite you to participate in our conservation activities. You don't have to fly fish, or even fish at all. All that is needed is an interest and desire to help preserve our natural Missouri.

  Club Resources
 - Monthly Newsletter
 - Trophy Room
 - Hot Fly Patterns

  Hot Fly Patterns

Elk Caddis Dry

Click for complete pattern...

  Useful Links
    - Federation of Flyfishers
 - Southern Council

Missouri Stream Team